Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day Four - Friday

Yesterday we finished watching "Ben Stein's Expelled", and we started listening to Greg Koukl's "Answering the New Atheists". We are continuing to discuss epistemology -- how we know what we know -- as well as the relationships between science and Christianity and science and atheism.

For textbooks, the students are reading Lee Strobel's "The Case for Christ" and "The Case for Faith". In addition, we are using a new textbook this year -- the Holman QuickSource Guide to Christian Apologetics -- a marvelous condensation of Christian Apologetics -- an Apologetics course in a book!

The students have papers due on Monday.

We have several topics remaining to cover, including:

* Christ -- Christian vs. non-Christian views; his resurrection, etc.

* Faith vs. Reason

* Christianity vs. Other Religions and Cults

* Miracles

* Theodicy -- Justifying God's Ways, including
* The problem of pain/evil
* God's hiddenness
* The scandal of the particular

* Evidential vs. Presuppositional Apologetics

Please continue to pray for strength, clarity, and anointing.

Thank you.

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