I'm sitting in the Kilimanjaro Cafe in the Manda Hill Mall in Lusaka, capital of Zambia. The Presidential motorcade went by on the way -- we were stuck in traffic with a Zambian truck in front of us spewing its noxious fumes on us for at least ten minutes. I tried breathing through my Tilley hat. It didn't hurt; it may have helped.
What was accomplished?
25 students have received up-to-date training in Christian Apologetics, including some recent DVDs. African worldviews differ from western views, but "the West is coming" and encroaching upon traditional African beliefs -- so they need to be prepared.
Apologetics is all about training in how to think, as well as providing actual content. Strobel's The Case for Christ and The Case for Faith are always highlights of the class for the students, and I always try to bring enough copies so they can purchase their own copies if they wish.
This year, we added in the Holman QuickSource Guide to Apologetics, which is like an Apologetics Course in a book. Really well done, with lots of value-added pictures and the like.
In addition to the training, I was able to bring the students some supplies -- a backpack, a music CD, an MP3 CD on Romans 6-8, a pocket Bible commentary, vitamin pills, and a small anointing bottle. "The equipping of the saints" writ small!
1. The Sunday service in which numerous persons testified of dramatic miraculous healings. The anointing breaks the yoke! (The service lasted 4 1/2 hours.)
2. Watching "Miracle on Ice" with the Kerrs. I always try to bring a hockey video if I can. Hockey night in Zambia!
3. The enthusiasm and general joie de vivre of the beleaguered Zambians.
It has been challenging, from a health standpoint. I'm feeling a bit woozy right now, so I'm hoping it's not a spot of malaria. Probably just the cold bug I picked up earlier and which attempted to make my time here miserable. With the Lord's help, I prevailed!
Tomorrow, I head up to London on British Airways and on to Oxford for a week.
Over and out.