Sunday, February 12, 2006

Teaching at Trans-Africa Theological College, Kitwe Zambia

On Monday Feb. 6th I started teaching my Christian Apologetics class to 18 4th-year students at Trans-Africa Theological College, Kitwe Zambia. The week has now ended.

I brought with me 18 copies of Lee Strobel's book, The Case for Christ, six copies of The Case for Faith, and 6 copies of The Case for a Creator.

Some of the students wanted me to sing in chapel, so I sang two songs -- "Let
me tell you all a story", and "Your Love Lifted Me".

For evening entertainment, we are watching the Canada Cup '76 on DVD - I think Daryl Sittler
scores a big goal to win the series, but we'll see!

The phone/internet is "out" where I am staying, at the Kerrs'. The electricity has also been off this week-end. To top things off, there was a major thunderstorm during the week that flooded the 3rd bedroom. Fortunately, I was in bedroom number 2!

My back has been bothering me quite a bit, so I am making use of a cane. Got some bites from bugs. That's about it.

Saturday, we had an excellent BBQ out at "the Boat Club".

Today, Sunday, we worshipped at a small church being held in a school room out at a "compound". Rev. Mathieu Mufika is the pastor, and his daughters did a wonderful job singing with joyful hearts to the Lord.

Such exquisite worship offered in such a lowly setting!

Next post, I'll tell you about my planned trip to the Congo.

I would appreciate prayers from all who read this.

1 comment:

frappeur said...

I have been checking this site every day to see how things were coming along.

I am glad you have been able to get on line.

Our prayers will be for your health and safety.

It must be wonderful to be appreciated as a teacher.